• menghini e bonfanti
  • green line
  • macchine per levigatura
  • Porto di Genova Notturno

As of 1 February 2020, Kunzle & Tasin srl has acquired the Menghini & Bonfanti srl business unit.

To read the full press release, click here

Floor sanders and innovative polishing systems

Menghini & Bonfanti specialises in the production of floor sanding machines and has been operating internationally since 1917 under the famous La Genovese brand. Based on our strong experience, our company focuses are:

- constant evolution of our technologies in order to create new concept machines;

- consideration for the well-being of the operator through the production of machinery that reduces effort and unnecessary stresses;

- offering training to update operators on polishing machines, application techniques and available products.

prodotti made in italy


DAL 1917


Levigatrici per pavimenti

Levigatrici satellitari e tradizionali per pavimenti, levigatrici per parquet, per top, banconi, scale e piccoli spazi.


Prodotti per la levigatura

Abrasivi diamantati, polveri lucidanti, feltri, bocciarde, spazzole per anticare, trattamenti chimici, pad diamantati per microlevigatura.


Servizi di assistenza

Assistenza tecnica e commerciale, servizi di manutenzione. Contattaci per maggiori informazioni.

Get in touch!


Paderno Dugnano (MI), Via Marzabotto, 63


Call: +39 02 971695.


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